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Jane Taylor


We have had our first trips and sporting fixtures of the year. Year two have spent time in a Victorian workhouse, which they all absolutely loved, poor Miss Wheeler was asked to wear a special hat because she was naughty! Our KS2 football teams have both had their first matches and represented the school exceptionally...
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Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our sports days. We had record number of parents turning out to support our children. The children really appreciated the support and how special you helped make it. Well done to all parents who took part in the adult races – the competition levels are also...
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Next week we have our sports days so fingers crossed for the weather. It is currently looking like it will be a little cooler but with a chance of rain so we will all keep our fingers crossed. Our year 2 children went on a trip to RHS Harlow Carr in Harrogate this week and...
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I’m sure that many of our parents will have noticed the development of our early years outdoor areas recently. Mr Fishwick and our EYFS team are doing a fantastic job of enhancing our outdoor provision, but we are in need of some additional resources such as pots and pans and cooking utensils. If you think...
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This newsletter we would like to say a huge ‘well-done’ to our year 6 pupils. They have been sitting their SATs this week and have done themselves proud. You might have read in the press how tough some of these papers were, the reading paper on Wednesday was a real challenge. Read the newsletter in...
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There have been so many highlights over the past few weeks, throughout the newsletter you will see some of the amazing things that the children have been doing. The school band performance to the whole school has been a real highlight. The band played with such confidence and had everyone clapping along. We have also...
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Over the past two weeks, we have all been watching our chicks hatch and grow – all the children and adults have loved spending time with them. You will see from all of the pictures just how special this has been (the chicks have now left us and gone to a free-range farm). Read the...
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This week we have had a fantastic world book day within school: everybody looked absolutely fantastic and has really put a smile on our faces – a real highlight, was seeing a T-Rex and a lobster walking into school! Thank you so much for your help at home with this. On World Book Day, children...
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This week has been so busy! Throughout the week children have reflected on mental health, what this means to children and strategies that they might use to help themselves maintain positive mental health. In school we talk about our ‘Mental Health Toolkit’, this includes the actions we can take to help our mental health. Read...
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Welcome to our latest newsletter, the pictures really do tell a thousand words, our children having such an amazing time over the past few weeks. Next Wednesday will be the first of 4 strike days by the NEU and we will be significantly affected by this with only a small number of classes open as...
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