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Sports Premium

Sports Premium

We recognise that there are many benefits to ensuring that all children participate in sports or other physical activities:

  • Develops strength, mobility and physical endurance
  • Supports the establishment of healthy lifestyles for life
  • Helps in weight control, especially important in light of current levels of childhood obesity.
  • Develops social skills especially team work
  • Develops friendships
  • It is fun!

Our intention is to use additional funding in three ways:

  • to broaden our provision to offer a wider remit of activities;
  • to ensure that all children have the opportunity to take part in a sporting activity everyday ;
  • to consolidate existing provision.

Sport Premium Funding is universal and therefore our aim will be for maximum benefit for all our pupils, including and especially those that may not ordinarily see themselves as ‘sporty’.

Our typical current provision includes:

  • One hour of sports coaching delivered by specialist Sports coach.
  • A wide range of clubs including football, tag rugby, netball, rounders, gymnastics, athletics and multi-skills.
  • Participation in local tournaments and leagues.
  • Participation in one-off taster events i.e. boxing, archery or judo.
  • Bikeability training for Y6 / Balance bike training in Reception.
  • Residential Outdoor Adventurous Activities – 3 day stay in Y5 & 6
  • Swimming for Year 3 & 4 children in the spring and summer term with additional swimming opportunities for older children.

In 2022 / 23 67% of our pupils in year 6 could swim a distance of 25 meters. Of this 67% 100% of them could swim a range of strokes effectively. No children in year 6 are able to perform a safe rescue in different water based situations.

How we planned to spend our sports funding 2023 2024

How we spent our Sports Premium Funding 2023/24

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